Saturday, October 11, 2008

The HORROR Dream

When I'd fall asleep at night I would have wonderful dreams
not when I go to sleep I have HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES!
I try not to sleep at night to avoid the awful nightmares, but that's controllable
I;ve noticed even during the day now when I;m wide awake I'm having these horrible vivid dreams
I can't get ride of them
the harder I try, the worse they are
I see you chasing me with a sledge-hammer
as I continue to run faster you keep gaining speed
eventually I just give up and you GET ME!
I WAKE UP! wanting to jump out of my skin!
I can't take it any more, waking up all raddled and in tears
I'm afraid to do anything because I can't tel lthe difference any more if it's real or in my dreams?...

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