Tuesday, October 28, 2008


On Friday October 24th I saw High School Musical 3 in theatres the day it came out of course because anyone who knows me...knows I'm OBSESSED!
I saw HSM 3 with Bruce, Sarah, & Sarah's friend Pam. I really liked the movie, but was a little disappointed. I think it was a little to cocky for it's own good. Such as during the first song "Now or Never" they were playing a basketball game for the championships and all of a sudden Troy (Zac Efron) just started singing out of nowhere! unrealistic! There were several incidents during the movie that this kind of "thing" occured. I LOVED THE MUSIC & DANCING! IT WAS PHENOMINAL! If the movie didn't have as many cocky situations in the movie it would of been the BEST! Part of it could be I'm a little older now and notice it more...who knows...? Other then that I really enjoyed it. I like ow High School Musical 1, 2, and 3 brought back musicals to our (my) generation since Grease 1 and 2.

1 comment:

mike said...

I'm sorry that HSM3 was as super-fabulous-terrific as the first two. I guess that now I don't have to go see it, right?