Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"A Time Of..."

summer days have come & gone
days just laying by the pool & on the beach
seemed so long ago
staying up all night & sleeping all day
having pool parties & bbqs
not having to worry about studying for a test or writing a paper
taking sudden road trips to the Hampton's & the Jersey Shore
day dreaming of the cute guy on the beach
calling friends up and saying lets go out on a suddens notice
not worrying about what to wear to school
shorts, t-shirts, & bikini's all summer long
having camp fires & singing sing-a-longs
starting to realize you weren't going to be in the same school any more, and some of your best friends were dorming...they wouldn't be in your lunch or homeroom any more
trying to capture the last few weeks until Christmas break when everyone would be home again just like it used to be
except when you walked into almost ANY store in the 2nd week of July there were school supplies...EVERYWHERE!
as Labor Day weekend came everyone realized the summer was over :(
here comes another school year...


itSAMazing said...

ugh you made me miss the summer. now all we have is fading tan lines!

mike said...

This poem can be tightened up a bit more. See me about it.