Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Forest

a girl was walking all alone in the forest near her house
she was distracted by what she was thinking about
her mind was racing...she had so much on her plate
being involved in cluds, keeping a high enough GPA, having a boyfriend, & etc..
if you knew her you would know she was always happy & smiling and never would of thought about just jumping in the river & drowning
She was very stressed, but didn't know who to talk to or what to do
she tried to pretend everything was ok...but it wasn't
she decided the hell with everything and jumped into the river
she was NEVER FOUND! All her parents found were her flip-flops...

1 comment:

狼Aisha said...

This is VERY nice I think the last 4 sentences could have been more dramatic but overall this is really good stuff. I think its funny how you took a typical teenage girl who everyone can relate to and throw in a twist to scare them...awesome ^-^