Wednesday, October 15, 2008


a girl was walking on the beach by her-self around 12:00 midnight
the beach was really dark she could barely see her 2 feet in front of her
she enjoyed the quite and time alone because she had so much on her mind
school, work, family, friends, boyfriend, change , and the FUTURE
everyone knew her as an energetic, fun-loving girl, always willing to help, always smiling, but on the inside she was another person, she hated who she was, she thought she was putting on an "act", she was very overwhelmed
she just wanted to break-down and let it all out, she left as if she was losing control and would NEVER gain it back again!
her best friend went away to school and she was having a tough time adjusting from the transition from high school to college
her and her boyfriend were on and off all summer and she couldn't take it any more..she found out after graduation her boyfriend was cheating on her and he apologized and she accepted it and it went back and forth all summer long until that night she ended it!
all she wanted to was go back in time and hit the "pause" button
she was sitting on the sand of the beach and where the water could reach her feet
she decided she HAD ENOUGH...!
she screamed as loud as she could several times and the end result of that was her crying...
after sitting their she decided she wanted to END IT ALL!
she jumped into the water and ENDED IT ALL THERE
her parents were worried when she didn't come...
around 3:00 am her parents went looking for her and couldn't find her
they called her response
they found her shirt soaking wet on the shore
they called the police IMMEDIATELY!
they searched the beach all night and the next day
they had search dogs all over the beach and police on boats looking for a young 18 year old girl
about 6:00 pm that day they found her body come up on the shore!
the police checked out the body and discovered she committed suicide!

1 comment:

mike said...

Let's talk about this poem. You are being a bit too literal and prosaic in this poem.