Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Switzerland & Italy Trip February 2008

One of the best trips I EVER went on was to Switzerland & Italy with my high school. I went with then all of my bff's. Some of us are still friends, but times changed. Anyway, we did so much! Over our winter break of senior year we left on February 14th, Valentine's Day. I was SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I counted down months, weeks, days, hour, & minutes just until we left school. Our flight from JFK to Switzerland was about 9 hours. It was VERY LONG! We landed 7:00 am Switzerland time, since there was a 6 hour time difference therefore, it was 1:00 am in New York. It was a whole new day. We were in Switzerland for 2 days. On the second day we went on top of Mount Pilatus. It was BREATH-TAKING, literally & figuratively. We went to Church there also and it was in German, just a little hard to understand, but it was interesting to see how Mass was done in Europe. Right before Mass all of us were near the Lake (Lake Lucerne) and we were looking at the ducks. There were steps to go right into the lake if u wanted to. We walked in a few & we stopped at the step right before and the ducks cam so close they almost attacked us and were attacking each other! When we went to Italy we went to Verona, Venice, Florence, Assisi, Pisa, Rome, & drove threw many cities such as Milan & Tuscany. While we were in Venice we saw a glass show. The Murano Glass Factory is very popular in Venice and we saw how they make the glass. When we were in Florence we saw the infamous "David Statue" and various museums. When we were in Assisi we walked & explored a medieval & "haunted" castle. While we were in Rome we saw and went inside the Coliseum. Also, we went to the Vatican. I went all the way to the TOP of the Vatican the view was ASTONISHING! We saw many museums while we were in Europe for the 10 days. Our last night in Rome (our last night of the trip) we went out for a really nice Italian dinner with music & entertainment. We went to the Spanish Steps & The Trevi Fountain. While at the Trevi Fountain we all got gelatto and my friends and i looked for the gelatto shop that Hilary Duff went to when they filmed "The Lizzie McGuire Movie". THE TRIP WAS UNFORGETTABLE! I HAD SO MUCH FUN! I WILL NEVER FORGET THE MEMORIES THAT WERE MADE ON THAT TRIP!

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