Monday, September 22, 2008

"My Inspiration"

I've had many different sources of inspiration in my live, such as family, teachers, friends...One of my BIGGEST inspirations ever is MY MOM! My Mom has always been an inspiration to me and will continue to be one for me. She's the BEST person EVER! My Mom has done so much it's mind-blowing! I've always wanted to and will continue to aspire to be just like My Mom. She's raising 5 kids all by her-self, without any help, just for starters! She's ALWAYS been optimistic and NEVER LET anyone or anything stop her. My Mom's a very DETERMINED person and NEVER doubts herself. My Mom is always there for my 4 brothers and myself. She's never missed a dance recital, soccer games, softball games, baseball games, back-to-school nights, bake sales, parties, NOTHING! She's ALWAYS put my brothers and me before herself. I remember in 3rd grade we all dressed up as Saints and went around my elementary school signing "When the Saints Coming Marching In" on Halloween,the day before All Saints Day. I was Mary the Blessed Mother, the weekend before the school event my Mom stayed up all night to make my costume by hand! Sure My Mom could of saved her-self all the time she put into hand-making my costume, but she wanted to make my costume, for me! My Mom's my BIGGEST INSPIRATION because of who She is, the lessons She's taught me, and what she believes. MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR MY MOM BEING WHO SHE IS! I LOVE MY MOM! xoxo :)

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