Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Friends<33

I LOVE my friends! I would do anything for them! I met a few people when I went on the Freshmen Leadership Conference at the Villa Roma Resort in upstate NY in July. I can see all of these people beginning my friends for life! The first person is Mike. I've known Mike since Freshmen year in high school.I remember class we had together was bio. Throughout our high school career we went back to Freshmen Camp as senior counselors, we participated in many school activities together also. We're always bothering each other like brother and sister, but when it comes down to it we're always there willing to help the other. Onjira is 1 of my other friends. We're both freshmen class presidents and joke around about EVERYTHING! We take thing seriously when we have to. She's so boy crazy it's funny! We're always laughing and making fun of each other. Sometimes all we have to do is look at each other and start laughing. SARAH! is one of my favorite people! She crack me up ALL THE TIME! I could be in the worst mood, but all she has to do is laugh or just stick her tongue out at me and I'll just start laughing. She's always there when I need to just talk and/or vent about anything & everything! She knows the countdown to Christmas (probably before a little kid does). And she's been counting, too! We started finishing each other sentences and say the same things! She has he best stories, especially about her & Chris. They're so cute & I haven't even met him yet (her bf). He's in school in New Mexico, 2100 miles away, but I feel like I know him. The latest person is BRUCE! We started out becoming friends at the VIlla Roma trip and then in September we started going out boyfriend & girlfriend. He's ALWAYS THERE FOR ME! When I just want to scream he's able to get me ot relax and alugh. Especially about "pulling-a-Jill". He's so cute & sweet. We've only been going out for 2 months, but it feels much longer. We only met in July, but I feel like we know each other for a year or 2. I can talk to him about anything and he always has a solution and an idea how to help. Mike, Onjira, Sarah, Bruce, & me are all good friends! We've all been friends since Villa ROma & it's kind of like 1 of our "little cliques".

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