Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inner Self

I love my mom
I love my brothers

I love my friends
I work on the weekends
I spending my weekend nights with family & friends
I can be annoying
I'm NOT quite
I don't have an "inside" voice
I don't care what people think about me
I'm very out spoken
I speak the truth
I'm going to be a teacher
I love kids
I love animals
I sometimes lose my patience to easily
I don't go to parties
I laugh at anything
I love to dance
I blast the music in my car & sing
I can't sing
I miss high school
I hate changes
I love Disney
I can't stop thinking & dreaming about certain people
I don't like crying in front of people
I wish I was a little kid again sometimes
I love to read & write (for pleasure)
I don't follow other people
I do what I know is right
I will always defend you

I love movie-nights
I'm 100% Italian
I can act like a little kid sometimes
I love to help & give back to others
I love to talk
I love the holidays
I don't worry about what people think about me
I have self-confidence
I have a HUGE heart
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I don't like saying good-byes
I wish I could turn back time to certain parts of my life sometimes
When I become attached to a person I can't let them go
I give advice

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